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sabato 4 aprile 2015

04/04/2015 Sabato pomeriggio... Il Messiah

Buon pomeriggio...

Sentite...oggi per l'ascolto del sabato vi propongo la versione integrale del "Messiah" di Georg Friedrich Händel, autore importantissimo, come voi sapete, che ebbe grande fortuna in Inghilterra...
Il Messiah nacque proprio negli anni inglesi, fu scritto in ventiquattro giorni. Iniziò a comporlo il 22 agosto 1741...lo concluse il 14 settembre dello stesso anno, orchestrazione compresa... 
Händel era velocissimo... Come sempre accadeva, inserì brani già scritti nelle diverse parti dell'oratorio... 
La prima esecuzione ebbe luogo a Dublino, il 13 aprile "Mr Neale's Great Musick Hall" in Fishamble Street. 

Ebbe grandissimo successo... Quando terminarono le molte rappresentazioni a Dublino, il nostro tornò a Londra dove incontrò molto meno successo e, persino, ostilità... Il pubblico "bigotto" e "bacchettone" della capitale non perdonò a  Händel (e non era neppure la prima volta), di aver usato i vangeli e altri testi sacri in un'opera dal sapore "profano" e destinato al teatro...
Resta il fatto che il suo "Messiah" è un'opera eccellente e mi sembra più che adatta in questo ascolto della vigilia pasquale...

A seguire il CAST dell'Oratorio...

Ailish Tynan - Soprano
Alice Coote - Mezzo-soprano
Allan Clayton - Tenore
Matthew Rose - Basso
Coro del "King' College" di Cambridge
Orchestra: Academy of Ancient Music
Direttore: Stephen Cleobury

In particolare vi prego di fare attenzione all'esecuzione del  "King' College" Choir di Cambridge, composto dalle voci bianche e bellissime di giovanissimi e bravissimi coristi...

Ecco l'ascolto completo...

Per meglio seguire l'opera, ecco - nel dettaglio-, le indicazioni e il riferimento al tempo cronometrico del video che troverete nel LINK qui sopra... Se vorrete ascoltare il celeberrimo "Halleluja", che conclude la seconda parte dell'Oratorio,  andate subito a 1:51:17...

Scene 1: Isaiah's prophecy of salvation
1:46 : 1. Ouverture
5:34 : 2. Comfort ye my people (Tenor)
8:30 : 3. Ev'ry valley shall be exalted (tenor)
11:50 : 4. And the glory of the Lord (chorus)

Scene 2: The coming judgment

14:48 : 5. Thus saith the Lord of hosts (bass)
??:?? : 6. But who may abide the day of His coming (bass)
20:45 : 7. And he shall purify the sons of Levi (chorus)

Scene 3: The prophecy of Christ's birth

23:25 : 8. Behold, a virgin shall conceive (alto)
23:49 : 9. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (alto and chorus)
29:24 : 10. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (bass)
31:22 : 11. The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light (bass)
34:55 : 12. For unto us a child is born (chorus)

Scene 4: The annunciation to the shepherds

39:03 : 13. Pifa ("pastoral symphony": instrumental)
41:46 : 14a. There were shepherds abiding in the fields (soprano)
42:03 : 14b. And lo, the angel of the Lord (soprano)
42:25 : 15. And the angel said unto them (soprano)
43:06 : 16. And suddenly there was with the angel (soprano)
43:23 : 17. Glory to God in the highest (chorus)

Scene 5: Christ's healing and redemption

45:22 : 18. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano)
49:55 : 19. Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened (alto)
50:28 : 20. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd (alto and soprano)
55:42 : 21. His yoke is easy (chorus)

Scene 1: Christ's Passion

58:17 : 22. Behold the Lamb of God (chorus)
1:01:08 : 23. He was despised and rejected of men (alto)
1:12:50 : 24. Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows (chorus)
1:14:32 : 25. And with his stripes we are healed (chorus)
1:16:24 : 26. All we like sheep have gone astray (chorus)
1:20:11 : 27. All they that see him laugh him to scorn (tenor)
1:20:52 : 28. He trusted in God that he would deliver him (chorus)
1:23:19 : 29. Thy rebuke hath broken his heart (tenor)
1:25:10 : 30. Behold and see if there be any sorrow (tenor)

Scene 2: Christ's Death and Resurrection

1:26:18 : 31. He was cut off (tenor)
1:26:48 : 32. But thou didst not leave his soul in hell (tenor)

Scene 3: Christ's Ascension

1:29:04 : 33. Lift up your heads, O ye gates (chorus)

Scene 4: Christ's reception in Heaven

1:34:20 : 34. Unto which of the angels (tenor)
1:34:35 : 35. Let all the angels of God worship Him (chorus)

Scene 5: The beginnings of Gospel preaching

1:36:07 : 36. Thou art gone up on high (alto)
1:39:18 : 37. The Lord gave the word (chorus)
1:40:24 : 38. How beautiful are the feet (soprano)
1:42:48 : 39. Their sound is gone out (chorus)

Scene 6: The world's rejection of the Gospel

1:44:21 : 40. Why do the nations so furiously rage together (bass)
1:47:16 : 41. Let us break their bonds asunder (chorus)
1:49:00 : 42. He that dwelleth in heaven (tenor)

Scene 7: God's ultimate victory

1:49:12 : 43. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron (tenor)
1:51:17 : 44. Hallelujah (chorus)


Scene 1: The promise of eternal life

1:55:20 : 45. I know that my Redeemer liveth (soprano)
2:01:30 : 46. Since by man came death (chorus)

Scene 2: The Day of Judgment

2:03:40 : 47. Behold, I tell you a mystery (bass)
2:04:14 : 48. The trumpet shall sound (bass)

Scene 3: The final conquest of sin

2:13:06 : 49. Then shall be brought to pass (alto)
2:13:23 : 50. O death, where is thy sting (alto and tenor)
2:15:21 : 51. But thanks be to God (chorus)
2:17:45 : 52. If God be for us, who can be against us (soprano)

Scene 4: The acclamation of the Messiah

2:23:05 : 53. Worthy is the Lamb (chorus)

Buon ascolto e... buona Pasqua...

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